Our commitment since establishment of our travel operations is to be the most dynamic DMC operator in the Athens area. We aim to provide unique and innovative services to our local and international corporate clients. Our response is on real time and second to none and all our clients are in continuous contact from the moment a request is made regardless of size.
Our partners. We have teamed with local travel related partners on the sole understanding of commitment and dedication to fulfil each individual request.
Planning service. Understanding the paramount importance for delivery of the promised services is the key to our success. To do that we work with our clients and strive to provide our detailed knowledge in order to assist them in planning their programs in a successful way. At the same time we accept all possible suggestions and strive to transform them to realities.
Airport service. From the moment our clients arrive at the airport, our meet greet and assist service is available ensuring smooth arrival or departure procedures.
24 hour service. From the time your group lands until their departure
we are on a 24 hour on site personal availability. We even provide the group leader with a mobile phone in order to contact us at any moment.
Accommodation. According to your budget we offer a wide range of 3-star to 5-star hotel accommodation suitable for your project.
Tailor made tours. All tours for an incentive are tailor made according to the main theme of the incentive. We provide unique attraction and activity modules so not two tours are identical.
Special events. You name it we provide it! It's that simple.
Pricing. Our pricing structure is very competitive. We respect your budget and try to load as many goodies as possible into your incentive.
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