book cover

1. "The Elgin Marbles: Should they be Returned to Greece?"

by Christopher Hitchens

From the book jacket:

"In this first full-length work on this fiercely debated issue, Christopher Hitchens recounts the history of these precious sculptures and forcefully makes the case for their return to Greece. Drawing on the artistic, moral, legal and political perspectives of the argument, Hitchens's eloquent prose makes The Elgin Marbles an invaluable contribution to one of the most important cultural controversies of our times."

The Elgin Marbles. Should they be returned to Greece? (ISBN: 1-85984-220-8) is published by Verso and costs £11. It is only available in paperback.


2. "Lord Elgin and the Marbles"

by William St. Clair

As much a biography of Elgin as an account of how the Parthenon Marbles came to find themselves in the British Musum, this book reveals some of the complexities of the issues which sometimes tend to get overlooked.

The new edition contains an investigation of the cover-up by the British Museum of the cleaning scandal referred to elsewhere on this web site.

A fully revised and considerably expanded third edition of this classic work has just be published by Oxford University Press, priced £12.50 in paperback. ISBN 0-19-288053-5.

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