About the Parthenon and the Parthenon Marbles
Who was Lord Elgin?
Should the Parthenon Marbles be returned to Athens?
Schools discuss the Parthenon Marbles
Send us your pictures

The Parthenon When and why was the Parthenon built?
2500 years ago, the city of Athens was attacked by soldiers from Persia. The Athenians had to leave their city. Eventually they managed to defeat the Persians but Athens was now a ruin. It would have to be rebuilt. The man who took charge of rebuilding Athens was called Pericles. He got all the best architects, sculptors and other craftsmen together and they rebuilt Athens. It was full of wonderful buildings. But the best building of all was the Parthenon.

frieze What was the Parthenon?
The Parthenon was a temple to the goddess Athena. It was built on top of a hill called the Acropolis. You could see it from all over Athens. Inside the Parthenon there was a huge statue of the goddess Athena. Outside the Parthenon, high up on its four walls there was a frieze. This frieze was a series of sculptures that went all the way round the building. These sculptures were not added to the building. The sculptors actually cut the frieze out of the very stone which formed the walls of the building. Many people think that this frieze is one of the most wonderful works of art ever created.

Horse of Selene What happened to the Parthenon?
The Parthenon did not remain a temple to Athena for ever. The statue of Athena was destroyed. When Europe became Christian, the temple was turned into a church. Later, the Turks took over Athens and they turned it into a mosque. However, the building survived for hundreds and hundreds of years. Then in 1687 an Italian general called Francesco Morosini arrived in Athens. He was at war with the Turks. He fired on the Acropolis. He knew that the Turks were using the Parthenon as an arsenal -- where weapons are stored. The Parthenon was full of gunpowder. One of the shells fired by Morosini landed in the Parthenon and all the gunpowder exploded. This did terrible damage to the Parthenon. The roof was blown off and everything inside was destroyed. But, as if by a miracle, the frieze survived.

Who was Lord Elgin?
Elgin was a Scottish Lord who hoped to do well in politics. At the beginning of the 19th century Lord Elgin was appointed ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. The capital of the Ottoman Empire was in Istanbul in what is now called Turkey. At that time relations between Britain and Turkey were very good. Why? Egypt had been part of the Ottoman Empire until Napoleon, the French general, defeated the Turks and occupied Egypt. The British defeated Napoleon and the French left Egypt. As a result the Turks were very grateful to the British.

frieze Why did Elgin take the Marbles?
Lord Elgin wanted to find some ancient Greek statues to decorate his mansion in Scotland. He travelled in Greece, looking for things to send back to Britain. He employed an artist to make drawings of Greek statues and buildings. When he came to the Acropolis he was given permission to remove anything which was lying on the ground. But Elgin decided to take the statues of the Parthenon frieze and send them back to England.

As I explained above, this frieze was actually part of the building. It wasn't stuck on. So in order to take the frieze, Elgin had to get workmen to saw the frieze off the building. It also involved destroying parts of the building in order to lower the sculptures to the ground. Elgin did a lot of damage to the Parthenon building.

British Museum Elgin took about half of the frieze and some other sculptures from the Parthenon. He sent them back to England. After that things went very badly for Elgin. He found himself so short of money that he decided to sell the Parthenon Marbles to the British government. Some Members of Parliament thought that Elgin had done a terrible thing in removing the Parthenon Marbles. However, it was decided to buy the Parthenon Marbles from Elgin and put them in the British Museum. And they have stayed there ever since.

Why didn't the Greeks stop Elgin?
When Elgin took the Parthenon Marbles, Greece was not an independent country. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks ruled in the lands of the Greeks. So the Greeks were not able to stop Elgin from taking the Marbles. Twenty years later the Greeks started a war of independence and soon Greece became an independent country. Immediately the Greeks demanded the return of the Parthenon Marbles, but their request was refused.

The Campaign for the return of the Marbles to Athens
In the early 1980s, a famous Greek actress called Melina Mercouri became Minister of Culture in the Greek government. She began the campaign for the return of the Parthenon Marbles. That campaign continues today, although Melina Mercouri died in 1994.

Arguments in favour of returning the Parthenon Marbles to Greece
frieze 1. The Parthenon Marbles were stolen from Greece by Lord Elgin. Elgin did not have permission to cut sculptures from the Parthenon. He only had permission to take pieces that were lying on the ground.

2. It is wrong that half of the Parthenon Marbles are in London and half are in Athens. They should all be in the same place. They were created in Athens, so they should be on display in Athens.

3. The British Museum has not looked after the Marbles as well as they say they have. In the 1930s the Marbles were cleaned. This cleaning damaged the surface of the Marbles.

Arguments against returning the Parthenon Marbles to Greece
frieze 1. If Lord Elgin hadn't taken the Marbles they would have been destroyed by the Turks.
(But is this true? The sculptures Elgin left behind were not destroyed by the Turks).

2. If the Marbles hadn't gone to the British Museum they would have been destroyed by pollution in Athens.
(This is a better argument because the Parthenon did suffer from pollution in the 1950s and 1960s. But the Parthenon Marbles suffered in London. They were stored in a coal shed for many years while Elgin was trying to sell them to the government. The coal shed was very damp and this damaged the Marbles).

3. Many people see the Parthenon Marbles in the British Musuem. If they go back to Athens, fewer people will see them.
(This is not a good argument. The Marbles belong to Greece, not to us. They are stolen property. Also, more and more people travel today and they can go to Athens to see the Marbles).

What do you think? Send us an email
Do you think that the Parthenon Marbles should stay in London or do you think they should go back to Athens? Write and tell us what you think. If your class has a discussion about the Parthenon Marbles write and tell us the result. To send us an email click here

Schools debate the Parthenon Marbles

Alston Primary school, Devon

by Alan Bruce, Bere Alston Primary School, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Devon.

My class of year 5 children had a lively debate on the issue of what should happen to the so-called Elgin Marbles. I say so-called because one or two of them were disgusted that they should be given that name.

The classroom was set up for the debate. A wreath was worn by each speaker, who had their time restricted by the use of a home-made water timer. The speaker addressed the assembled ‘crowd’ as "Fellow citizens of Bere Alston." There were some very clever angles and it was good to see democracy in action.

The motion was : The Elgin marbles should be returned to Greece .

The children were divided into 2 groups. Some may then have had to argue against what they felt but would ultimately be able to vote secretly in the way that they desired.

When they came up to vote, one at a time, solid cards and cards with holes in them replaced the stone tablets of long ago. We have been struck by some bad sickness which has resulted in numbers being away daily of late.

22 voted.
Result :
FOR the motion 19
AGAINST the motion 3

Forrest Community Primary School, Suffolk

I am a teacher of a class of 27 year 3/4 pupils at Forest Community Primary School in Brandon, Suffolk. At present we are studying the topic of Ancient Greece. To aid our research on the Elgin Marbles we used your web site. This we found very useful as it was difficult to find relevant information anywhere else. You had suggested that we could email our response to the debate on whether or not the marbles should be returned to Greece. At the end of our history lesson today the children asked if we could vote, they were very excited when I told them I would email their own view points to you.

Here is their decision.
Key question: Should the Elgin Marbles stay in the British Museum?
For 6 Against 17 Unsure 3 (one pupil was absent)

The children held their class assembly on Wednesday March 7 in front of the whole school and focused on the Elgin Marbles. Here is the script of their assembly:

Tony: Welcome to Sequoia's assembly we hope you enjoy it.

Group of children playing marbles. Tom/Shikara/Georgina/Luke/Michelle/Louise/Darius/Jazmin/Liam

Javan: We are not playing marbles, we are going to be learning about the Elgin marbles.

Tony: We are now going back in time to find out about the Elgin Marbles.

2 people speaking as the Parthenon is being built.
Marisol/Aaron: The Parthenon is being built in honour of ....yes, Athene. We can go and pray to Athene every day in the temple when it is finished. Oh, just look at those columns, designs and the colour is just so beautiful. Look at all those people working together to build the temple.

Parthenon being built (pictures of Hercules's tasks on backs of pupils from art lessons focusing on collage)
Bob the Builder, can he fix it? Bob the Builder, yes he can.

Tony: Let's now go forward in time to find out how the Parthenon is linked to the Elgin Marbles.

Reporter speaking to Lord Elgin (prompts- microphone) Jade/Alex
Jade: We are here in Greece today talking to Lord Elgin. So Lord Elgin why are you here in Athens?
Alex: Hello Jade, I'm here to find some sculptures to decorate my estate house in Scotland.
Jade: Why in particular have you come to Athens?
Alex: I have heard that the Parthenon has some beautiful marble sculptures that are not being used since the temple has been damaged.
Jade: Have you been given permission to take away some of the sculptures?
Alex: Yes, the Greek government have agreed, if I take those that have already fallen off the temple. However, there are also some that I am going to take that have not. I'm sure they won't mind.
Jade: Thank you Lord Elgin for speaking to us. This is Jade Elliott reporting from Athens for Sequoia's assembly.

Tony: Forward in time to Wednesday the 7th of March 2001 and a lesson in Sequoia class.

Marisol: Now children we have discussed the reasons why the Greek government want the Elgin Marbles back that are now in the British Museum. Ben, can you remind us.
Ben: It's because they think that Lord Elgin stole them as he was only told that he could take sculptures that had fallen off the Parthenon but he took some that were still on the building. He was in the wrong.
Marisol: Shikara can you give us one of the reasons why some people want the marbles to stay in London.
Shikara: It's because if they are given back to Greece only those people fortunate to visit Greece will be able to see them.
Marisol: Should the Elgin Marbles be returned to Greece? This is the key question which we have voted on. Our class results were
For 17 against 6 unsure 3
Some of the information we used to learn about the Elgin Marbles was downloaded from the internet from a children's site. Mrs Brockman has sent them an email to tell them the result of our class vote. This they have now put on show on their website.
Jazmin/Brandon: Hold up enlarged copy of information from website and our email.

Abigail/Kira Hands together, eyes closed.
Dear God
Always remember that what you have is all that you may need. You should be grateful for what you have already.
Remember to ask permission before you take things that are not yours as people may want them back.
Tony: We hope you have enjoyed our assembly.

Silverdale Primary School, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs.

We have been finding out about the Elgin Marbles as part of our work on Ancient Greece. We wanted to tell you about our ideas. Some of us think that the Marbles should be sent back to Greece because they are their property and they should have them back. Also the Greeks' ancestors made them. We know that the Turks gave permission so the Marbles could come to Britain but this was not the Greek people.. The marbles belong in the Parthenon. They are part of the Greeks' history and it took them years to make them for their gods.

However some of us think that the Elgin Marbles should stay in the British Museum. The Marbles were put there by Lord Elgin who had permission. If they are so precious to the Greeks they should have guarded them better. In the British Museum they are safe and well looked after. If the Marbles are sent back to Greece they may get broken. the Greeks have not looked after their own Parthenon so how can we trust them to look after the Marbles? Why should the Greeks decide just now that they want the Marbles back?

15 in our class think the Elgin Marbles should stay in the British Museum.
13 of us think they should be sent back to Greece.
2 people were away.

From Class H/K
Silverdale Primary School
The Racecourse
Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 6PF

Glebelands County Primary School, Cambridgeshire

I am a pupil at Glebelands County Primary School in Chatteris, Cambridgeshire. In our class we have been talking about the
Parthenon Marbles and I would like to see them returned to Athens where they should be in time for the 2004 Olympic Games. It is a
shame that Athens should have such an interesting history taken away from them. I don't think it is fair that Lord Elgin took the marbles
without permission. Is he still alive? If he is he should be trying to make up for it. They were created in Athens so that should be where
they stay and the British Museum should give them up. Our class have written to prime minister Tony Blair to ask him if he can do anything
about it.
Daniel Varnham.

Springfield Junior School, Derbyshire

We have had a debate in are class about the Parthenon Marbles. We are sorry that Lord Elgin stole the Parthenon
Marbles. The result of the debate was half the class said they should stay in the museum and the other half said you should have them
Ashley R.

We had a vote about the Parthenon Marbles and if they should be returned to Greece. Our class (Mrs Roberts's class) results were
half thought they should be returned and half thought they should stay. I think they should be returned to Greece.
Kerry Day

we have had a debate about the Parthenon Marbles. We had a vote to see if the marbles should stay in the UK or Greece. It came to 1/2 each.
Martin Whotton

We have had a debate in our class about whether the Parthenon Marbles should stay in British Museum or go back to Greece. The results were half and half .I have heard the story of Lord Elgin and would like to learn more.
Lorna Vaughan

I attend Springfield Junior School and we've been studying the Marble . When we heard of this address we just had to write. I think they should go back. We had a debate and the outcome was they stay.
Hope Gretton

We think the Parthenon Marbles should be taken back to Greece because that's where they were built.
James F.

To the Greeks We are very sorry that Lord Elgin stole your marbles. It was very selfish of him. You should get the marbles back because it was yours in the first place. Hope you get it back.
Sara Hogan and Josh Hilton

Cavalry Primary School, Cambridgeshire

Two classes ( years 3 and 4) at our school have been studying Ancient Greece this term. We found your very informative website and the children have enjoyed reading the children's page and the contributions from schools, even acting out the class assembly as they read! We also decided to hold a debate. Six year 4 children prepared short speeches which they had to deliver before the waterclock had run out. The debate was then opened to the rest of the 'assembly' who raised other interesting points. Finally, votes were cast, using coloured cubes and the democratic decision of our assembly was that the marbles should be returned to Greece. 42 votes were cast in favour of their return and 30 against.Thanks to our speakers: Joshua, Liam, Adam, Charlie, Rachel and Emma.
Mary O'Rourke and Ellen Hankins, Cavalry Primary School, March, Cambs.

The Colleton Primary School

On Monday the 16 of July we had a Greek day and we all had to dress up as Greeks. We got to try some Greek food, we tried feta cheese, grapes, pita bread, olives, houmos and tzatziki. We also made Greek plates. As well as all that we had a Greek debate. The debate was about whether the Elgin Marbles should go back to Greece. My friend and I thought that the Elgin Marbles should stay in the British Museum, because if we gave Greece back their things then say the Egyptians wanted their mummies back. But sending the marbles back to Greece won, 38 votes against 24 votes.
Ellie and Emma

The Marbles - a vote from 4W at North London Collegiate School

One of the members of our class, Kate, discovered your website when doing some homework about The Elgin Marbles. We really liked the information and pictures. It helped us to write some imaginary letters to the Museum Director in Athens and the Director of the British Museum in London.

We voted to see what our class thought and the result was that 20 girls thought The Marbles should be returned and only 2 of us felt they should remain in Britain.

Some of our reasons were:
a) That tourism is very important to Greece and the tourists who have travelled from all over the world should be able to see The Marbles in the country they came from.
b) The Marbles were made by Greeks, for Greece. They are a legacy to the Greeks and should not be in another country.
c)They are a precious, priceless treasure which belongs in Greece in a Museum fit for them.
d) The Parthenon was dedicated to Athena and she has very little to do with the History in Britain, but much to do with the History of Greece.

Having said all this, we have been lucky enough to see The Parthenon Marbles in The British Museum. We don't know whether we could afford a school trip out to Greece as part of our project!!
Yours Sincerely

Stone St Mary's Primary School, Kent

For returning the Marbles to Athens

We think they should go back to the Athens because:
They were stolen so they should go back where they were originally made;
They might want to build the Parthenon again and put the marbles on again;
If they went back to Athens they might get damaged on their way but Athens
would look after them better;
The people at the museum have had their chance to look after them but they
didn't look after them properly.

The Elgin marbles should go back to Athens because children should be able to see their own history. The Elgin marbles should go back because we have had them for a long time. We want the Elgin marbles to go back to Athens, because they belong to Athens and the man that took the Elgin marbles was told that he could take whatever he liked off the ground. But he paid workmen to cut the Elgine marbles from the building.Then they were taken back to England and the man sold the Elgin marbles to a museum. Athens should have the Elgin marbles back because they made the Elgin marbles.

We reckon they should go back to Athens because the children should see their live of history. We have got lots of history in our museum and you should have in yours.

We think the Elgin Marbles should go back to Athens because they were made there. If they go back the people will see them but if they stay they wouldn't be seen by their rightful owners. It may be a risk but they belong there. We want them to go so send them back!
From Stone school...( Elizabeth, Emily, Victoria, Zara and Colette ).

I think that the Elgin Marbles should go back to Athens, because they said a man called Elgin could take whatever was on the floor where the Parthenon was. But he took half the freeze on the Parthenon and brought it back to England, and that means he stole them. What do you think?

Against returning the Marbles to Athens

We think the Elgin marbles should stay here in England because it's a risk going to Athens. It is unpredictable because the Elgin marbles could get destroyed. Due to the man who stole the Elgin marbles was only told to pick the wreckage up from the floor when it was bombed.

We think the Elgin marbles should stay here because they might get destroyed altogether just for safety purposes. If you want to see them so badly why don't you come and see our brilliant British Museum in England.
From Harry,Sam and Adam

Send us your project pictures

Have you done any drawings or paintings of the Parthenon or the Parthenon Marbles as part of your project? Can your school scan your pictures and send them to us as an email attachment? If so we will put them on the web site. Make sure you keep the image files small!

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