Due to the anti-constitutional and authoritarian governance of King Othona, in October 1862 Athens revolted, while he and King Amalia were absent in tour in Peloponnese. Knowing his anti-royal feelings that had burst out, the royal pair decided on this tour aiming at the reinforcement of royal accepting feelings. Meanwhile in Athens with the resolution in the Greek population the suppression of Othonas Kingdome and the constitution of provisional government from D. Bulgarian, Mp. Royfo and Mr Kanari were announced. At the same time, a syntactic Parliament was elected in order to draw a new Constitution and elects new sovereign. At their hurried return in Piraeus with the boat "Amalia", the royal pair was found before final events. Thus they were forced to recede also leaving from Salamina with the English boat "Skylla" to leave Greece for ever (10 October 1862).