HISTORY 5th century bc
The disengagement of Athenian forces from the forehead of Peloponnese allowed Pericles to focus his attention in the consolidation of Athenian royalty, while Athens was inaugurated the period that remained in the history as the Golden Century of Pericles, in which letters and arts received unique blossoming.
Pericles extended the representation of the democratic regime, with the attendance in the rank of nine sovereigns and citizens from the order Zeugotes, as much as in beneficial rights to the poor citizens, as the judiciary and Theorika.
The Athenian state of the time of Pericles was distinguished by the benefit of beneficial rights to the economically poor citizens, so that they were included in the judiciary and Theoriko. The judiciary was the wage that were given to the citizens as compensation when they practised the vocation of judge in the Iliaia. Theoriko was the payment from the public fund of compensation to the poor Athenians that would allow them to watch theatrical representations.
In the same period the growth of Piraeus took place, which developed in an important commercial centre of the Mediterranean. Athens experienced a unique intellectual and artistic blossoming, representative samples of which are the monuments of Acropolis and the development of tragedy, with the most important representatives being Aisxilos (525-456 b.c.), the Sophocles (496-405 b.c.) and the Euripidis (485-407 b.c.), comedy with the Arjstofanis (452-385 b.c.) and historiography with Hirodoto (484-410 b.c.) and Thoukididis (470-394 b.c.) the education of Athenians during this period was turned around the philosophical contemporary sophists and Sokratis.
The sophists supported the beginning of subjective truth. Their role lies in the foundation of perfectionism - source of knowledge that are the senses - the subjective ness that is to say knowledge and the refusal of scientific truth. Sokratis (470-399 b.c.) was opposed to the subjective Reason of the Sophists, who supported that the objective truth appeared to be the reasonable source of knowledge. Sokratis used the obstetrical method in his teaching, the eliciting of opinions of his students, it was wrongly believed that the knowledge passes initially from the stage of self-knowledge, the "know yourself" and the dialectic, the dialogue, leads no one to the definition of significances and objects. the Sophists supported, the metre, the prudence, the subjugation of wish, impetuses in the mind and the logic.